標題: swp notes
時間: Mon Jun 2 11:53:19 2008
How to define new font size?
In the preamble, type: \newfont{\newfontname}{
newfontname is the new font name you want, such as newhuge, newlarge, ...
fontname is the existing fontname installed, such as times, timesbd, ...
existing fontname is written in the Tex Name, not in Windows Full name.
One can check in the TrueTeX DVI Previewer from the Installed Font List
to see what names should be typed. X is the scale number, such as 300.
Example: \newfont{\whuge}{times scaled 5000}
Then putting "\whuge" in front of "HALLO" will take effect of the newly
defined font on the text HALLO.
Palatino font is with normal font weight is named, pplr8r.
Bold face Palatino is named pplb8r. These cannot be shown in the DVI
previewer, and are not consistent with the one shown in the Installed
Font List, where "pala, palab, etc." appear but not work. These two
names are found from the warning when trying to use Palatino (by using
package "mathpazo") and preview by DVI previewer. They are okay only
when doing PDF.